by Year 5

books we like

Blog guidelines


In our "Book blog" we share books we've enjoyed.

These guidelines are for everyone's safety.
We also want to have good-quality posts and comments.

• Student's should only be identified by first names. 
 Also, children's comments should have first names only.
• We like getting comments!
 Your comments will of course be positive and relevant.
 Proof-read your comment carefully.
 Check for spelling mistakes before clicking "Publish". 
 Always write in full sentences and words – no “text talk” please!
 If you're a visitor, the best choice of "Comment as" option is Name/URL
 The URL could be the address of your own blog or school website. 
 If you're from another class or school, let us know which it is!
• We also like to get your "reaction" to our posts.
 Feel free to click on the ☐ interesting ☐ I want to read it informative  !